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Stuber Watch. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions. The 8 stars are for how funny I found this movie - not because it is an excellent movie. Moonlight it isn"t. There are always two caveats when I review comedies. Number 1, I laugh easily and Number 2, I really like slapstick. There is nothing original at all about this movie. They"ve made it before and they"ll make it again. But I laughed - a lot. And that"s all I wanted. It was light and slight and quite enjoyable. It"s a fine and funny way to get out of the summer heat. Kumail is amazingly funny. Looked predictable from the start but when the touchie-feelie hipster music started I had to mute it. A movie I will never see. Yippee.

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User Rating 8,2 of 10 / synopsis In the 1950s, truck driver Frank Sheeran gets involved with Russell Bufalino and his Pennsylvania crime family. As Sheeran climbs the ranks to become a top hit man, he also goes to work for Jimmy Hoffa -- a powerful Teamster tied to organized crime / Martin Scorsese / Charles Brandt / genre Crime / USA

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